Wolf Group: EDI frees up time for value-adding activities
Mar 22, 2022

Wolf Group LT is already familiar with the EDI (electronic data interchange) world. Formerly known as Krimelte LT, they have been part of Telema EDI network since 2009. With growing business volumes grows the value they get from EDI.
Over the years, this DIY (Do-It-Yourself) company has been steadily expanding their business. In 2021 Wolf Group LT reached €10,5 million in revenue, selling to more than 550 customers. This growth in business has been reflected in trade documents as well. More than 1100 sales invoices are issued every month, and as many orders are received. Wolf’s big retail customers such as Makveža, Lemora, Kesko Senukai, Bikuvos prekyba and Dauniškio prekyba are all using Telema EDI services. About 25% of all documents are processed via EDI.
EDI simplifies the process
Kazimieras Motiekaitis, general manager of Wolf Group LT, shares his point of view: “With increasing turnover increased work related to document processing, so EDI solution was inevitable. We are constantly streamlining company’s work and processes. EDI frees up time for value-adding activities for our colleagues who work with entering orders into the system or sending invoices”.
“Having an EDI connection with customers greatly simplifies the trade process for the parties. Both in placing the order as well as in receiving incoming goods into the warehouse. It reduces human errors, and the work becomes more efficient and faster”, adds Kazimieras Motiekaitis.
When asked about the future plans of Wolf Group, the general manager says: “Unfortunately, still many customers are not yet ready to use EDI. While some of them are faster and others slower, step by step they are all moving towards using EDI. I believe that in the near future, we will be able to receive and transmit at least 80% of trade documents via EDI.”
Professional implementation
“Telema is definitely one of the leaders in providing EDI service in the Baltics. The activation process is clear, consistent and fairly fast. We can see there is a lot of competence that Telema team has accumulated over the years. Therefore I really recommend Telema services to our business partners. After implementing EDI, they will be just amazed how much time can be saved and used for other meaningful tasks”, Kazimieras Motiekaitis concludes.
About Wolf Group
Wolf Group is committed to improving people’s quality of life by providing safe, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly construction solutions. The PENOSIL brand is owned by the Wolf Group, a leading European manufacturer of construction chemicals and systems. Sister companies are operating in Latvia, Estonia, Spain, Russia, France, Ukraine, Romania, Portugal and the United Kingdom. Wolf Group’s export network spreads across 70 countries. In 2021, their group revenue was 139 million euros.
Read more about Telema EDI Supplier here.