UAB “Mida LT” is on the rise to trade automation with EDI


UAB “Mida LT” is on the rise to trade automation with EDI

Lithuanian producer of isolation materials UAB “Mida LT” has an ambitious target to have at least 80% of trade documents fully electronic by the end of year 2023. Moreover, Mida will encourage its European sister companies to follow the example and apply Lithuanian EDI best practice.

UAB “Mida LT”, part of international TECHNONICOL corporation, started using Telema EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) solutions in January 2019. Almost a year has passed, so Justas Razmus, director of UAB “Mida LT”, shares his opinion: “ Trade companies move towards process automation, as this determines efficiency and offers competitive advantage. With no doubt, EDI is part of the automation. Therefore, from 2020 our aim is to actively promote EDI among our trade partners in Baltics.” 

While the Lithuanian public sector requires e-invoices already since July 2017, Justas Razmus points out that in some countries also B2B e-invoices are mandatory. “We are part of European Union and have to keep abreast with the developments. We should take notice of Italy, who was the first EU country to mandate e-invoices in 2019, not only in B2G but also in B2B sector.

As Mida LT is the EDI pioneer among TECHNONICOL companies, why not apply best practice of Telema-Mida LT EDI solution also in our sister companies?”

TECHNONICOL corporation, the biggest producer of hydroisolation and thermoisolation materials in Europe and Russia, was founded in 1992. Having exceeded 1 bln EUR of annual turnover, it runs more than 50 factories in 7 countries and exports production to 95 countries.