Product Data Sync (PDS)

Project description: Develop PanBaltic PDS (Product Data Sync) to simplify cross-border supply chain processes.


Project goal and result: to simplify cross-border supply chain processes and data flows by developing PanBaltic PDS solving two important problems:
1) automation of product data information flow in supply chain;
2) allowing consumers to get important information about products (origin, fair trade, organic or not, nutritional facts, allergens etc).


Main activities:

  • Joint product development of PanBaltic PDS.
  • Joint marketing activities, including networking, marketing, and promotion activities (including marketing strategy, marketing plan, marketing and promotion material development and production, marketing and promotion activities in press and social media, hosting of marketing events and participation at exhibitions and conferences) of PanBaltic PDS.
  • Project management.


Financed by European Regional Development Fund: 460 272.82 EUR
Co-financed by the partners: 141 970.74 EUR


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