Telema customers have created 100 000 EDI connections
EDI, News
Jan 17, 2018
At the beginning of January an important milestone was reached. Over 100 000 EDI connections have been created among the customers of the Baltics’ biggest EDI operator Telema. EDI connections ensure the smooth flow of goods from suppliers to the shops.
“An EDI connection is a secure channel, where trade documents are electronically transferred from supplier’s software to retailer’s software and vice versa. This allows Telema customers to save time and make sure right goods are at the right place at the right time,” explains Telema’s CEO Hele Hammer. Last year, Telema customers exchanged 15 million EDI documents over the Telema network.
The number of EDI connections is the biggest in the FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) sector, where information exchange between suppliers and retailers is notably frequent. “For example, fresh milk has to be ordered and delivered daily. However, since construction materials do not spoil, they can be ordered weekly or even monthly,” explained Hammer. “Today, EDI in FMCG sector is a rule, not an exception. Other sectors are starting to discover the advantages that EDI brings as well.”
According to Hammer, the number of EDI connections Telema customers have is noteworthy not only in Baltics, but also in Europe. “There are over 500 EDI operators in Europe, but Telema stands out with its dense customer network and numerous EDI connections”, Hammer points out.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the exchange of trade documents between trade partners in machine-readable format. In Baltics, EDI is widespread in FMCG sector in automated data exchange between suppliers and retailers. EDI connections allow transfer of electronic orders, invoices, waybills, receipt advices etc.