Billentis Market Report on eInvoicing 2024

E-invoicing, News

Billentis Market Report on eInvoicing 2024

After a five-year break, Billentis‘ eagerly awaited eInvoicing annual report was finally released in April 2024!

This comprehensive report is packed with exciting updates on global e-invoicing legal requirements, the latest trends, and fascinating facts. It also features a practical business case for e-invoicing projects, highlights key success factors, and provides helpful instructions for onboarding suppliers.

And what does all this have to do with a tornado?

Have you heard of Geoffrey Moore’s research on the market entry phases of technological innovation? Geoffrey Moore’s “Tornado” phase theory describes how technological innovation reaches the mass market and experiences rapid and widespread adoption. During this phase, demand often exceeds supply, leading to hypergrowth in the market.

Billentis’s 2024 report on the e-invoicing market uses Moore’s “Tornado” phase metaphor to describe the development of the e-invoicing sector. According to the report, e-invoicing is entering the mass adoption phase, where rapid technological advancements and stricter regulatory requirements accelerate the adoption of e-invoicing worldwide. This means that e-invoicing is quickly becoming the norm, forcing companies to adapt and use new technologies and solutions to remain competitive and ensure regulatory compliance.

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