Fully adopted GS1 classifier: defines the reason for sending the price information. The Reciever Party is able to use this code to determine the nature of the action associated with each price component. For example the addition of a new record, the modification of an existing record or the correction of an existing record
<xs:simpleType name="SegmentActionCodeType"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>Fully adopted GS1 classifier: defines the reason for sending the price information. The Reciever Party is able to use this code to determine the nature of the action associated with each price component. For example the addition of a new record, the modification of an existing record or the correction of an existing record</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN"><xs:pattern value="ADD"/><xs:pattern value="CORRECT"/><!-- Used to error correct or change the values of mandatory key attributes or an attribute where the change results in material financial impact.--><xs:pattern value="DELETE"/><xs:pattern value="CHANGE_BY_REFRESH"/><!-- Used to change the values of any of the optional attributes within the segment. --><xs:pattern value="NO_ACION"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>